Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Let's Face It: You're A Weapon

Rant day.

Anyone who starts a letter, an ad or any piece of communication (except a weblog, of course) with the words "let's face it" is a fucking whopper.

This is scientific fact.

Seriously. The words "let's face it" are horrible and should be used on pain of death.

"Let's face it. We all get a little tired now and then"

That kind of thing. The obvious ... preceded with "let's face it". I fucking hate it.

Shall we face it? Oh let us! Let us face this fact which is little more than a bridge to your first product benefit! I've never had the courage to face it before. But with your sage guidance and leadership I might just somehow be able to accept this elusive truth!

The other times you see "let's face it" are in financial marketing or B2B "listen to me I'm a hard-ball-playing straight-talking apprentice-winning pisshole" type shit.

"Let's face it: your bottom-line is your priority in life".

Let's face it: You're a cunt.

And I'd like to stab you in the face.

Now here's Tom with the weather...

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