Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Get on your caps lock: it's FREE

Today is bugbear day.

And the bugbear in question is the capitalisation of the word FREE.

It's not enough just to write it. It has to be capitalised. Even on the briefs you get. Even on internal documents.

Why? Because people just LOVE getting something for FREE.

Forget the fact that Google give me an email address, access to documents, a personalised home page, access to their satellite photography and don't charge me a penny for it.

Forget Skype not charging me for calls.

Forget the fact that computer games that used to cost a bomb are now on the internet for me to play as when I want without costing a bean.

Forget the fact that I don't need to pay for DVDs or music or comedy as I can just have a look on Youtube in my leisure at no cost.

Forget all of that.

Free is a huge novelty to me. Free is so rare and exciting that it's not enough to write the word. I need to shout about it. It's FREE! People are that fucking tight.

No-one can resist something that's FREE.

Lester Wunderman said so.

Don't question it. Just get your heads down and perpetuate the habit dogmatically. It's easier that way.

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