Friday, April 18, 2008

David Ogilvy once said...

..."you cannot bore the customer into buying your product"

Well, the last 15 years of DM certainly put an end to that fallacy, didn't it.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure the likes of Ogilvy One, Craik Jones and the late HTW would beg to differ. They probably have the figures along with the heavy metal to prove their point.

P.S. Your original post is missing a question mark.

Rob said...

You misunderstand my point.

I've seen many a boring mailpack and DRTV ad beat control and continue to be successful for years.

Ogilvy said that boring ads can't work.

Therefore, Ogilvy was wrong.

A simple syllogism.

Though I suspect Ogilvy's comment was tongue-in-cheek. As indeed was my post.

This thread is in danger of contravening rule number one of having a soul: namely "taking DM too seriously"

Davey said...

My copywriter HATES readers digest mailings. She tells me they are too transparent, too brash and unsophisticated. A piece of obvious junk mail destined straight for the bin.

And i find it hard to disagree, but i like them, i love the fact that they try to kid you into thinking they are express post envelopes, that THIS TIME they really do have that big money cheque inside, that despite heading for the bin they are going down kicking and screaming.

Screaming about how YOU could be this weeks BIG winner. Yes YOU!

But it is true they do look like junk mail. And for how many years have they been doing these? Are they working of the theory that there's a sucker born everyday or do they simply work?

Boring, ugly and obvious sells.FACT