Thursday, August 14, 2008

DM portraits: number one

Just an idea for a series of posts. I'm going to draw a kind of planner-like pen protrait of the kind of people you meet in integrated agencies. None of them are real people. But a kind of type that you can encounter on a regular basis.

Type one.

She's a female copywriter around 40. Old fashioned DM copywriter. Into the words, not the ideas. Her biggest hate is music in the office. "SHE JUST CAN'T CONCENTRATE". So you all have to sit in silence while the miserable bitch takes 3 days to write a piss easy letter for some financial institution.

Probably into The Cure as a young girl. Ill once a month. Complains constantly about things. Doesn't understand the young. Prefers female suits to male ones. Holidays all booked and organised on the first day of the new year.

Very particular about the food she eats. Never actually written a novel, but would like to write one, and that's good enough for her. Types letters in courier.

Needs a cock up her arse.

Have you seen this woman?


Davey said...

know her, she was fucking furious that she wasn't a creative director by 40. now she's very bitter. that married bloke she's been seeing won't leave his wife and it's looking like she'll never have kids unless she buys one from africa like madonna. she's talented but her people skills leave a lot to be desired.

she will be working freelance and trying to write a cookery book in 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Know her.

But she worked in finance.

More please.