Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear Pices.

Has anyone ever split the data according to astrology?

You know, mail scorpios with credit cards. Mail aquarians with charity asks. That kind of thing.

I know it's a load of old bollocks. But there may be some merit in it. After all, a large percentage of the world have collected a lot of data for us to use in this regard.

And while it is all categorically bullshit, you'll probably find your creative department all have birthdays in February and October: Aquarians and Librans.

The reason I ask this, is surely it would be as scientific a process as getting those twatty consultants to come in with a new model of how you can best categorise mankind.

They usually have stupid terms like: Generous Submitters, Egocentric Analysts, Horse Rapists and Flatulent First Timers. They slip into the agency parlance for about a fortnight.

Companies spend millions on testing this shit. Then it fails. Then three years later, another failed businessman has another theory about how to deconstruct mankind (yeah, cos it would be that easy) and sells it to companies.

My point is simple. If we are going to spend money on segmenting personality types, why not spend it on an ancient form based on the planetary motions? Cos if we're talking bullshit. Let's start at the beginning.

*PS - the feed on the right says that Craik Jones is merging with Proximity. That's a shame. A great agency in its day.


Davey said...

i can't think of any good reason why this wouldn't fly.

personally i fucking hate starsigns and every bit of bullshit that goes with them but there are millions of dickheads that read them daily, and on numbers alone at least one of your clients would be hippy/happy enough to go for it.

love it.

Davey said...

ohhh and another thing, the aside about craik jones, totally agree, damn shame, top agency about to vanish in a pile of greed, anyway, gave me an idea for your next post:

make shit up about the headlines on the feed next to your blog.

just take the headline and make your own story.

like the Daily Star do.