Friday, October 17, 2008

We all stand together (sung in a frog chorus style)

I wish agencies would form some kind of union.

A charter, if you will, and only agencies who have signed up to the behaviors agreed in the charter are invited to awards and are mentioned in the trade press etc. etc.

And then agencies could stand strong against clients who treat agencies, consitently, like shit.

I don't know how it would work. But the idea that a client can fuck agencies over simply because another agency will do it for less, or quicker or whatever seems wrong.

Agencies should be prouder. Plumbers are more proud than agencies.

I guess, I'm back on this again: http://

If a client wants an agency, they should be bound by conduct. Or they should do their work themselves.

One example, if a client asks agencies to pitch and doesn't give the business to any of them. But takes an idea from one of the presentatiosn...BOOM!...blackballed. No agency should touch them. Fuck off. Learn some manners.

This might be a bollocks idea. But I'd like to hear the argument against.

1 comment:

Davey said...

i'd like to make the argument against.

but only because i like a good argue. thing is though, i'm with you on this.

when agencies "buy" accounts off other agencies they are only fucking themselves over in the long term anyway. and it's shit working on an account that has been brought because 9 times out of 10 if all the client want is a cheaper agency, budgets are pityful and there's no respect for the creative product.

but i'm preaching to the converted here.

so where do i sign up? do i get a to wear Che Guevara t-shirt?