Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Integrating with ATL agencies

Integrating with ATL agencies is a fucking nightmare.

Have you ever been handed an idea from them that you can work with?

Every time it's the same. One word. Let's call it "bounce". We'll apply a client later. Whomever wants to buy it.

Then comes a shit hot idea for a film. One that relies wholly on the medium of film - one that depends on time and movement.

So for 'bounce' it would be people on spacehoppers bouncing all over the world. Or the floor would be springy and it would propel people, dogs and cars up in the air in a dreamy, bouncy-castle way.

And everyone will be excited, because it sounds like fun.

And then come the press ads.

The press ads are important when you are a DM nobhead - if the idea flows into the press ads, then it is likely it will be easy to translate into mail.

But the press ads are always shit.

Usually, it will be a product benefit in a headline only ad - written in a jewish 1980s Madison avenue style. It won't actually integrate at all. Except that it will have the word, bounce, underneath the logo.

That's right, you junk mail fool. You're not getting near the idea. You have to flog the product benefits. And maybe stick a picture of a spacehopper on your shitty letter.

It's not a big idea. It's a big film. The ATL get an award. And you get 18 months of misery trying to inject some personailty into an idea that simply doesn't translate into your medium.

I'm not complaining, really. There are winners and losers and this life.

The ATL flyboys are simply the winners.

For now....

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